Founded 1986 Programa Comunitário da Reconciliação (Recon) is a non-governmental organization, non-profit driven, but of public interest. Its objective is to serve the population at social vulnerability, in special the Vila São José community; located in the Southern suburb of São Paulo. Recon offers professional services through its four structures: day-care for infants (CEI), center for children and pre-teenager (CCA), community library and the called Cantinho da Comunidade. All donations are reverted to serve and educate. Consider sponsoring this cause by contacting: recon@terra.com.br

A non-profit organization that promotes diversity business; a replica of the North American National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) initiative in Brazil. Guma participates and contributes to Integrare’s growth and cause. We encourage you to contact Integrare and participate. http://www.integrare.org.br